The PaycheckĀ Blog

The latest and greatest Ā on real life personal finance advice, that works!

Sinking Funds: Your Secret Weapon to Crush Your Financial Goals

In today's fast-paced world, it's essential to have a solid financial plan in place. Whether you're saving for a dream vacation, home repairs, or even retirement, having a strategy to reach your...

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New Year Financial Resolutions: Spend and Save SMARTER!

We're kicking off the New Year with a focus on spending and saving. First up, let's tackle spending. As we approach the year's end, banks send out annual statements that categorize your expenses....

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Hidden SPENDING MISTAKES We All Make Every Day

          Are you wondering why your hard-earned money seems to disappear so quickly? It's time to take a closer look at your daily spending habits. In this blog post,...

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Top 10 Worst Money Habits to Break Today!

       Have you ever wondered why there's not much money left at the end of the day? It's important to identify the common daily expenses that can be viewed as wasteful and...

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