Break the Paycheck Cycle in 3 months!

      What if  Friday’s payday would cover all expenses on time, have a well funded emergency account, be debt free, enjoy your bucket list vacation and have money left over, all with the help of an online coach with over 15 years of budgeting?

Stop living in fear!

Take back control over where your hard earned money goes.




Did you know that 61% of American adults reported living paycheck to paycheck?

Navigating life in America with credit thrown at you at every corner, spending below your means, this requires skills.  

Saving money is hard!

And I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault.

Learn how to earn more, save more, and put your money to work for you.

In The Next 6 Months, You Could…

  • Finally be debt free
  • Have a sizable savings account
  • Be planning your dream vacation

The right Budgeting System can make all the difference. We’ll cover it all in Paycheck to Paycheck Solutions.

    I think we’ve all been deceived about the true cost behind financial goals.



     That picket white fence house comes with a mortgage loan, the university degree comes with years of student loans, and your car comes with monthly payments as well.
     The American Dream comes with a hefty bill that we need to budget for. 


     Maxing out credit cards is not sustainable or even a reasonable option when you don’t know how to manage basic household expenses. You’ve been lied to. All this debt creates obligations and can easily get out of hand.

      Managing a paycheck and expenses is not intuitive. It’s a skill we all haveto learn. If we are lucky we have great examples in our lives from people who live a rich life.   

      But let’s be realistic here, most of us don’t have these examples and most of us don’t even know what a wealthy person looks like ( and no it’s not the luxury objects around them that define wealth) nor do we know how they manage their finances. 

     Yet we still look at people around us for guidance: our parents, friends, neighbors, coworkers.


You Can Create Financial Stability

Learn the system to break the paycheck to paycheck cycle and use it to:

  • Learn to spend within your means.
  • Remove stress and worries about spending money.
  • Eliminate small problem, create big goals.
  • Live a Debt Free lifestyle.
  • Gain confidence and build your personal wealth.
  • Take your dream vacation, yearly.

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

In Paycheck to Paycheck Solutions, you’ll learn how to finally take control of your financial present and plan the future.


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You Are Ready To Take Control of Your Next Paycheck?

This budgeting course will teach you everything you need to know to create your custom budgeting system with your income and your expenses, to help you get out of debt for good, remove uncertainty and build your wealth.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Stop living paycheck to paycheck
  • Understand how much you can afford
  • Improve your credit score
  • Get on track for retirement (so you don’t depend on others' mercy)
  • Pay off student loans
  • Shave off years from you mortgage

With a simple shift in your mindset and some strategic money practices, you could start living the life of your dreams.

What's Included In The Course ...


Budget Basics: Savings Account

This video covers the micro changes you need to make to ensure that you get into the habit of saving every single time you get paid.


Budget Basics: Bills Tracker

This video shows you how to put together your custom bills tracking system not to have another late payment ever again.


Budget Basics: Retirement

This video explains how to max out your employer retirement contributions and how to incorporate it in the Tracker.


Budget Basics: Maintenance

This video covers the concept of creating a bucket for ongoing maintenance.


One Time Debt

This video shows you how to plan a small purchase repayment.


Credit Card Debt

This video covers all credit card repayment strategies


Student Loans

This video is a guide to manage several ongoing student loans and how to prioritize them


Mortgage Loan

This video will show you strategies to reduce your mortgage lifetime loan.


Multiple Loans

This video will show you the most common methods to cover multiple loans and how to calculate which loan is most cost efficient to pay first.

This Course Is For You If...

  • You can't pay bills without the next paycheck
  • You can't pay the credit card balance in full each month
  • You don’t have at least $1k in savings
  • You think comfort is for "rich" people
  • You want the financial worry to stop

I'm Paula

 A numbers fanatic. My story begins like yours, with 6th grade math. Unlike you, I missed a year of schooling thanks to a teacher who gave A's for attendance.

l was then made to catch up in the summer that followed ( thanks Mom! 🥹 .. ), and my frustration with numbers inevitable turned into a lucrative passion.

Fast forward 5 years, college kids were paying me to teach them math. I was in high school still!! 🤓

What can I say, you like what you know and are good at. And thus the first university degree followed. Funny how it all started with that one gap year isn't it?

Teaching became my calling as I understood early on, that explaining concepts matters as much as knowing them. I've developed strong communication skills by reading my students, helping them overcome their challenges and embrace financial empowerment.



Graduating from my MBA, business gave practical meaning to numbers. 

As an analyst in corporate America, I use numbers to make an impact on the bottom line, improve processes, and work smarter.

Now to the fun stuff: I developed and perfected my own tool to break the paycheck to paycheck cycle.

In managing my personal finances over 15 years with this Budget Tracker, I've learned that putting your financial goals in writing is the key to success.

Visualization is an incredibly powerful tool when put to use. By using this system, I've set and achieved my own financial objectives and now I want to help You do the same.

Consistent financial comfort is a lifestyle not a sprint.


The Choice Is Yours




Paycheck to Paycheck Solutions Course (11 Videos)

BONUS: "Balancing the Budget Tracker" training
BONUS: "Color Coding the Budget Tracker" training
"5 Steps Guide to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck" - Cheat Sheet Guide
"Which Loan to Pay First" training
"Start Investing" training




Paycheck to Paycheck Solutions Course (11 Videos)


BONUS: "Balancing the Budget Tracker" training 


BONUS: "Color Coding the Budget Tracker" training


"5 Steps Guide to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck" - Cheat Sheet Guide


"Which Loan to Pay First" training


"Start Investing" training


If you aren’t completely satisfied with Paycheck to Paycheck Solutions, let us know within the first 90-days for a full refund. No questions asked.